Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Midnight in Paris

Bonjour! Paris has been great so far minus all the rainy weather! Last night a few of us braved the pouring rain to have our first midnight in Paris. We walked a while and went to Cafe Oz which is an Australian bar. Apparently not many other people were willing to walk in a monsoon to go out on a Monday night considering the bar was basically empty. We made it fun and met some people from New Zealand. It was also very educational as I learned the hard way that "toillettes hommes" means men's restroom. Lesson learned, merci Paris!

Today was a long but great day of sightseeing around Paris. P. Ryan was nice enough to let us sleep in which was lovely. We started off visiting Notre Dame and then walked around that area for a while. The girls also got some time to shop which made us happy campers. We visited Sorbonne at the Universite de Paris. This was the site where people from the world gathered in the late 19th century to discuss sports and eventually make the move to bring back the Olympic Games. Later in the day we walked through the Luxembourg Gardens and went for lunch. We ended the day by seeing the Eiffel Tower. Tomorrow a few of us might go back so we can go to the top of it!

Au revoir,

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