Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Group Visits CAS

What's up everybody! It's your favorite blogger Ian. Today was our last day in Switzerland, and I have to say, I'm very sad. Lausanne is real cool and if the weather were a little bit nicer, I'd be okay with P. Ryan leaving me behind.

Yesterday we visited the Court of Arbitration for Sport, or CAS for short. CAS holds hearings to settle disputes for different international sports and the Olympics. We were given a tour and presentation by Louise Reilly, one of the CAS lawyers. She explained what CAS does and gave us some examples of cases. CAS deals with a lot of different types of cases regarding sports. They will settle disputes over who crossed the finish line first in a race, or if an athlete purposefully or accidentally took a controlled substance and what his or her penalty should be. The cases usually have a short decision making process.

CAS is a fairly small building so I was relatively shocked that major cases, such as the Lance Armstrong hearing, are held there. But the court room and building in general were beautiful.

After that, P. Ryan took us to the Lausanne Cathedral, where I came up with the nickname for our group: P. Ryan and the 12 disciples. The night was our own so we had some mean pizza down the street and had a night out in Flon. Very fun night.

Tomorrow we make the (brutal) trip to Olympia to see where the ancient Olympics were played. The trip is coming to an end shortly and this will be my last blog post. Thanks to all the readers and check out my Facebook when we return for some really cool hipster photos.

Thanks for reading!

- Ian Teti

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